Victor Alimpiev’s paintings seem to be not made by hands — they seem to carry traces of unknown events, touches, glances, kisses, melting memories. Alimpiev aspires to a sense of instantness in his painting: «Regardless of the speed of creation — Pollock has it, but it is also in Vermeer’s works, every significant painting has a feeling, as if it was breathed out — and it appeared and nobody saw how. Beauty is a continuum of some right connections, it gives a sensation of some instantaneous, momentary appearance, after which the world will no longer be the same».
The presented canvas has the depth of the moonstone. Weightless lines of impressions are fused in it: the artist draws the lines not on the canvas, but through the carbon paper, and then he covers them with thin layers of paint. The rhythms of forms create an illusion of movement, started and instantaneously frozen a tense immobility of the rock still retains the breath of life, captured millions of years ago in it. The stars of the fluff and the silky web are intertwine in this mother-of-pearl haziness. They flow and swirl, slightly outlining the prototype of the female silhouette, but at some point in the past they break up with the elusive air vibrations.V