The painting «Untitled» refers to a number of paintings, created by Kotelnikov in the 80’s, when he was a member of the cult Leningrad association «New Artists». During this period, the aesthetics of expressionism and primitivism is becoming the determining factor in his work, within the boundaries of which he combines black humor with images of pop culture. At the same time Kotelnikov's expressionism turns out to be absolutely original, and arises at that time without any reference to the «new wild» manner in the West.
In the 80’s, Kotelnikov's "terrible" paintings, according to the author himself, "imitated the state of general creative destruction" – a condition characteristic of the era of perestroika. Kotelnikov's favorite characters are the ominous-caricature "doctors", whose image he partly borrows from Hungarian comics and textbooks on forensic medicine. They are shown in the foreground of the painting. «Angry doctors» carry out some manipulations with the human’s body, who is lying on the white sheets. A chopped off leg is depicted as evidence of their horrific activities between their figures, and the doctor's body and apron are splashed with blood on the right. Not giving his work any title, the author leaves the possibility for the viewer to figure out what is really going on here. Special expressiveness adds a spot of poisonous-yellow color to this painting: similar coloring techniques are one of the distinguishing features of Kotelnikov's painting. V